„There are no miracles,

there is ignorance of the laws of nature. ”

                                                                                                                                                          Saint Augustine

In the text below everyone can understand that the scientific theories about the global processes have nothing to do with the reality.

Let me give you just one example – the Antarctic hole in the ozone layer. For the past 30 years scientists have been promising to make it disappear. Actually there are not even aware that the holes in the ozone layer had existed for a long-long ago. They are created by the Earth’s magnetic field with the purpose to drive away the excess heat from the planet’s depths into Space. If the magnetic field disappears, so it will be for the holes too. If someone, God forbid, manages to deceive the nature and make those holes disappear, then our planet will become as a copy of Venus – a burnt desert with air temperature of around 200oC.

If we want to understand the logic of the natural disasters, the climate warming and the rise of the sea level, we have to accept that our planet, being a part of the galaxy, completes some duties. Only then it’ll become clear why:
1. The geological history of the Earth is a sequence of cycles. Each of them begins with an Ice Age, followed by a climate warming. All of them finished with a global disaster during each the ocean bottom became a new continent and the existing continents became ocean bottom.

2. At the end of each cycle life on Earth was destroyed but some species managed to save their life and climbed on the next step of the infinite evolution ladder.

3. There are only few years left until the end of the next cycle, e.g. a Global disaster. The climate warming, the sea level and the quantity of natural disasters will continue to increase.

4. Human activity can’t affect the global climate warming. The energy that we produce represents only 0.1% from the total energy of the planet.
In the light of these truths, here it is the sequence of the key events in Earth’s history.      The very first period lasted something between one and two billion years. A dead, without water  and atmosphere, celestial body revolved around the Sun. Its surface was continuously bombarded by the electrons and ions of the solar wind. Sunrises and sunsets alternated almost twice as often as nowadays because the radius of the young planet was more than a thousand kilometers smaller.

The situation changed suddenly when the core temperature of the planet fell below the Curie point, and on the Sun appeared such a powerful local magnetic field that its force lines went beyond the Earth’s orbit. The Earth’s core got magnetized, and our planet began to fulfill its galactic duties, just like the other planets, – collection of the protons and electrons of the solar wind, their transformation into hydrogen atoms and the accumulation of hydrogen in the bowels of the planet. Since the volume of the hydrogen atom are 5.1012 times bigger than the total volume of the proton and the electron, the pressure in the Earth’s mantle start to soar. The globe began to expand, accompanied by earthquakes. The heat released during the formation of atoms, warmed up the bowels of the planet, and the first volcanoes appeared. This continued until the core temperature of the Earth reached the Curie point, and the magnetic properties of the nucleus again disappeared. The ice again covered everything. Millions of years later, the magnetic field recovered, but with a different distribution of the poles. The ice melted, and the climate again started to get warm.

With the disappearance of the magnetic field the Ice ages lasted tens or even hundreds of millions years. When the Sun after all managed to shoot plasma directly in our planet, the magnetic field of the Earth was restored, but with a different distribution of the poles. The magnetic poles came all the time on different locations on the planet’s surface, appearing sometimes in the most unexpected places. This is indicated by the remnants of tropical vegetation in Antarctica and the traces of glaciation found in the Sahara desert and in India. Apparently, during some of the cycles, the magnetic poles appeared even near the equator. If the magnetization of the core remained, as it was in the beginning of the Triassic, the magnetic poles remained on their places, and the ice covered the land only for a few thousand years.
The organizer of the transformation of the planet is the Earth’s magnetic field, and the main contractor – the hydrogen. The reason for this is the exceptionally high reactivity of the atomic hydrogen. The lifetime of the hydrogen atom is just half a second. After that it becomes a molecule, but during that short time the atoms have time to get into a variety of reactions. The reaction of hydrogen with carbon resulted in the formation of oil and gas, and the reaction with oxygen, which content in the crust is 47%, led to the formation of water.

During evaporation the water accumulated heat and together with the volcanic gases it took it to the surface of the Earth. During the vapor condensation, the liberated heat was radiated into space. Thus was created the operating system that until now cools the Earth’s core. Thanks to the heat and the water that was carried up from the bowels of the planet, during each of the cycles were created conditions for life. Those conditions we best at the end of the respective cycle.

Let’s just remember the end of the Jurassic period. The climate became so warm that the dinosaurs thought that God heard their prayers, and He had decided to create Heaven on Earth. That’s why they moved boldly north and even reached the territory of nowadays Canada. Therefore the catastrophe that arrived soon afterwards was for them like a thunderbolt from a clear sky.

But the dinosaurs were not really right to be offended by the suddenness of the tragic end that claimed their lives. There were several signals, to which they simply hadn’t paid attention. They got happy by the warming of the planet, but none of them paid attention to the slowing rotation of the Earth, the weakening of the magnetic field of the planet and the increasing number of natural disasters. The second warning they got was from the gases accumulated inside the Earth. At some point those gases raised the ocean floor and brought down streams of water onto land. The third call was when the gases tore the shell of the planet and with a terrible roar, heard by everything alive, escaped into space. Sadly it was too late for the giants land animals to do something. To survive was possible only for those who had learnt to live in the water and swam to the tropics, as did snakes, crocodiles and turtles. The rest had no chance to stay alive for one more reason: the dinosaurs breaded by laying eggs, as now turtles and crocodiles do. They never hatched them because the climate was hot enough – 30 – 35°C. But with the beginning of the Ice age, the temperatures lowered to zero. So dinosaurs, being cold-blooded animals, with the coming of the cold weather just fell asleep, never to wake up again. The subsidence of land along with their bodies on the bottom of the ocean turned into a kind of funeral. The soft parts of their bodies were eaten by bacteria, and the continuously deposited limestone walled skeletons in its layers. During some of the following global catastrophes, the minerals formed on the ocean bottom appeared on the surface together with the skeletons of dinosaurs and gave us the opportunity to talk about an asteroid that supposedly destroy them.

The substance of the mantle of the Earth, carried out by the volcanos, created another shell of our planet – the Earth’s crust. Since the volcanoes each year carry out from the bowels of the earth up to 500 km3 of water formed in the mantle, the water gradually filled the cavities in the crust and turned them into seas. Soon the seas joined and they created the primary ocean that divided the Earth’s crust into separate continents. But despite the increase of the volume of water, the continents don’t disappear under the water. This is only because at the same time with the synthesis of water, the formed hydrogen pressure causes the continuous expansion of the globe. As the earth’s crust under the oceans is ten times thinner than the continental crust, the expansion takes place by creating depressions and cracks on the ocean bottom. As a result, not only the continents continuously grow in height, but they also move away from each other. This is evidenced by the slowing rotation of the Earth, or what is the same, the increase of the duration of the day and night. This continues until the next global catastrophe, during which the stored water in the mantle breaks out, and raises the level of the ocean.
So as a result of the recent global disaster that occurred 13 thousand years ago and was preserved in the memory of the survivors as “The Flood”, the global sea level rose to 125-150 meters. Then the ocean once again took away a big space from the land and formed many new seas such as the Baltic, North and Azov Sea. In the future, if we remain indifferent, the water will cover the entire land, the life on the planet will disappear and the Earth will become as a copy of Europe, the Jupiter’s moon, wrapped by a kilometer-thick layer of ice.
But it seems that no one yet has a clue that life on Earth may disappear even before that, though also caused by the World Ocean.

The duration of the Ice ages is determined by the the magnetic field of our planet. When this field disappeared the Ice ages had lasted tens of millions of years. When the Sun finally managed to shoot into our planet a plasma load, the magnetic field of the Earth was restored, but with a different arrangement of the poles. This is indicated by the remnants of tropical vegetation in Antarctica and the traces of glaciation found in the Sahara desert and in India. Apparently, in some of the previous cycles, the magnetic poles were located even near the equator. If the magnetization of the core remained, as it happened with the Deluge, the magnetic poles after a brief excursion came back to their places, and the ices covered the Earth surface just for a few millennia. Then again began warming of the climate and the ice shrank towards the magnetic poles.

Life on Earth is carbon-based. The human body, for example, contains 16 kg of carbon. This element can get into a living organism only at one condition – the soil bacteria must first convert it to carbon dioxide – CO2. Only this way the leaves of plants can extract it from the air and, by attaching hydrogen taken away from water molecules, to create hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbons in the form of plant food get into the organism of animals and humans.
As for the inhabitants of the land, CO2 is also necessary for the living organisms in the ocean. By the ocean can’t produce carbon dioxide. Therefore, the bigger part of the CO2 produced by the soil microflora for its land organisms, after dissolution in water is extracted from the algae and phytoplankton. The organic compounds and the oxygen formed during photosynthesis provide life for the inhabitants of the sea. But this problem would not be so terrible if some part of the CO2 after dissolving in water didn’t react with the calcium and magnesium, which the underwater volcanoes continuously add in the water. The limestone and dolomites, formed during the reaction, are insoluble so they are continuously deposited on the ocean bottom. During each global disaster, the pressure inside the Earth decreases, respectively, thin sections of the sea-bed with deposited limestone from millennia wrinkle in folds and billow up, or turn into the mountains of a new continent or creating seamounts. Thus were formed, some earlier, some later, the Alps, the Himalayas, the Ands, in short, all the mountains of the Earth. This is evidenced by the metamorphism of the rocks. The humble limestone could become a noble marble only when secondarily sunk to the ocean bottom, the gray sandstone could become sparkling quartzite and the granite turn into gneiss.

And so it happened that thanks to the ocean almost all the carbon of the planet appeared is concentrated in only two minerals – limestone and dolomite. Oil, coal, natural gas, plants and humans and animals contain less than 0.1 % carbon. Since the volume of the Ocean continuously grows, the amount of CO2 absorbed by them also increases. In the future, the ocean will transform all the CO2 into minerals, and then life on Earth will disappear.